GymKeeper Run your gym like a bawz

No starting fee, no fixed monthly payment, pay as you go/grow.

GymKeeper Supports multiple gyms

Supports multiple gyms straight out of box.
Battle tested for 10+ years with gyms between
100 and 70 000 customers and over 200 000 visits a gym

GymKeeper For (almost) everything you need

Handles customers, products, warehouse saldos, serial cards, invoices, salesorders, purchaseorders, quotes, tickets, feedback terminals, digital waivers, hour reporting, webshop, gift vouchers, recurring invoices and more.

Ease of use

Works with computer, tablet and mobile devices. Run everywhere. No user or any other limits.


Powerful dashboard shows your important day to day info at glance


We are here to help you grow and get better at what you do!


Over 50 clients are already using GymKeeper. Here's a quick peek who they are

Ask for a demo account right now! Costs nothing, no strings attached.