Unlimited users

You can have as many users as you want - forever.

Unlimited gyms

One gym? Three gyms? 10 Gyms? We don't care.

Unlimited devices

You can use the system on as many computers as your heart pleases.

What is limited?

Your money! Stop wasting it!

First and foremost, pricing should grow as you grow and it should be simple

So, we have decided that running a gym (or whatever business) should be cheap when you are starting your business and when the volumes go up, the pricing goes higher.

Sounds scary? Well it shouldn't. Our basic price is


(or ¥, $, £)

The pricing is defined by actions. And the amount of actions grows only when your business grows!
This means that the amount of actions is multiplied by a small fee (currently € and € per customer).

The actions consist of sales receipts, email tickets, invoices, salesorders, purchaseorders, serial cards, serial cards usages, webshop orders and how many customers you have.

Now you might be thinking that shut up and show me what does it cost. And we will, we will actually show you pretty realistic figures of my own gyms starting from one little gym and ending up in 4 big gyms with over 200 000 visits per year and a little shy of 100 000 customers. 1000+ members and a hefty turnover.

Price EXAMPLES based on different usages

This are estimates. The end result will vary on the usage. If you send a lot of SMSs, or send a lot of e-invoices, the price will be higher.

One gym

Turnover: <200 000€
Customers: 1000
Monthly visits: 1 500


= 78€/gym/month!

Two gyms

Turnover: ~400 000€
Customers: 6000
Monthly visits: 10 000


= 259€/gym/month!

Three gyms

Turnover: ~800 000€
Customers: 30 000
Monthly visits: 20 000


= 363€/gym/month!

Four gyms

Turnover: >1 800 000€
Customers: 90 000
Monthly visits: 45 000


= 405€/gym/month!

Usually gyms slow down during the summer months, so does our prices! The less you have action, the smaller are the costs!

And if it seems that your business is skyrocketing (= going through the roofs), let's make sure that the pricing stays in control. We are sure we can come up with an agreement.

We don't want to suck you dry - honestly.